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Upcoming Events
98th Round Hill Highland Games
A Wee Bit o' Scotland
at Lime Rock Park, Lakeville CT
Sunday, June 27, 2021
Lime Rock Park is certified as a COVID SAFE facility!

Upcoming Events
- Time is TBDGreenwich
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About Round Hill
Highland Games
Round Hill Highland Games is a charitable organization that relies upon your support to hold traditional highland games competition and promote Scottish heritage.
The Round Hill Highland Games takes its name from its original location in Greenwich CT, at the estate of Charles A. Moore on Round Hill Road. Mr. Moore allowed his many Scottish-born workers to hold a family Fourth of July picnic on the vast grounds of his estate.

Contact & Volunteer
Are you looking for more information or a chance to Volunteer at RHHG? Please feel free to contact us on Facebook, email, or alternatively fill in the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
#RHHG On Instagram
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